Friday, September 9, 2016

3 Benefits of Online Training

Found on Brilliant Health & Fitness
   Online Training is the new realm of exercising. With the internet readily available, you can access all types of videos and content that can help you. Now, Personal Trainers have taken another step forward by offering their services online.

   The world is becoming more connected by the day, and the benefits to that are enormous. With the fast-paced and busy world we live in today, being able to workout on the go is the new way to exercise. Below are 3 of the many benefits of online training.

Found on My Life Fitness

  • Train On the Go - People are busy, and when they get home from work they don't want to leave the house to go to the gym. With an online trainer, they can pull up the workouts on their computer or phone at home and workout whenever they want.

  • You Save Money - Personal Trainers can create workout plans and videos for their clients without the drive time or hour long sessions each day by using online systems. Since they can help more people and not have to pay for space to train, they charge less. You'll get the same workouts without spending money on gas or spending more for being at the gym. 

  • Everything is Connected - Companies like Trainerize that our gym works with, combines a multitude of apps together so all of your information is in one place. Your cardio regiments, running, workouts, heart rates, etc are recorded by the sites and available to be viewed by you and your trainer. Now you can show the trainer what you're doing or not doing on a regular basis.
Found on Complete Health Network, INC.

    Online training is an excellent way to exercise at home, at the office or while travelling. This method saves you money and time. Additionally, specific sites will connect all the things you do in the day so your trainer can best assess the perfect regiment for you. 

   Unless you need someone right next to you to exercise, I recommend you give online training a shot. 

Try-Fun is a small private gym for 1-on-1 training, small classes and yoga. We train in the gym or online. We guarantee you'll have fun getting healthy with Try-Fun!
Brad Slaughter (Co-Owner of Try-Fun) is the writer for this blog. He is Specializing in Social Marketing at Coursera.

Connect with Try-Fun on Twitter - @tryfunft

Connect with Brad Slaughter on Twitter - @bradslaughter89

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

3 Reasons Why Swimming is 1 of the Top Workouts!

Found in We Inspire Lifestyle
   Swimming is an excellent way to exercise. Like other cardio workouts, it builds your endurance and muscular strength. The big upside to swimming is that there are very few physical restrictions when it comes to this type of exercising.

    Among the numerous benefits swimming has to offer over other popular endurance workouts, below are 3 reasons why it is one of the best:

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

If Unhealthy People Knew These 3 Benefits of Exercise, They'd be Doing it Now!

If Unhealthy People Knew These 3 Benefits of Exercise, They'd be Doing it Now!
Found on Dreamstime
   You cannot fathom how many "get healthy" or "get fit" posts and articles there are out there, and most of them throw the book at you for not heeding their warnings for being unhealthy. In this post though, I'm going to show you what fit people get to enjoy that you're missing out on.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Sitting Too Much?: 3 Easy Ways to Cut Sedentary Time

Sitting Too Much?: 3 Easy Ways to Cut Sedentary Time
Found on DIY Genius
   As a person that has a sedentary lifestyle, you may be looking for ways to have a happier and healthier life or just a way to get off the couch. Here at Try-Fun we want people to experience the best in life, and have found a few articles that will explain the risks of sedentary time and why you should exercise regularly. 

   The first article is called "How Sedentary Time May Raise Heart Disease Risk" by the American Heart Association in Science Daily. In this article, it explains that even though you may be exercising, being sedentary for too long on a daily basis can negatively affect your heart and blood vessels. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Make Sure It Works, Not Hurts

Make Sure It Works, Not Hurts
   A client that works with one of our trainers talked to her about a class she's taking. It's an old-school class that consists of repetitive workouts and static holds (An example would be doing a leg lift exercise for a minute or more). The client feels it's making a difference, but it's hurting her in the process. 

   The client has rheumatoid arthritis, and those types of workouts are heavy on the joints which causes pain in the affected areas. Can it be an effective exercise for some, yes. But, you shouldn't be doing those exercises if you're hurting yourself in the process.

   The amazing thing about working out is that there are multitudes of ways to exercise a specific or set of muscles. If there is an exercise that you are unhappy with or are hurting from, change it. 

   There is a way that you can make a difference in your body without causing pain. If you can't think of one, personal trainers are around to assist you.

Make Sure It Works, Not Hurts

   Our trainer sat the client down and was frank with her. "You only have those joints", she warned, "Be happy with replacing them, or choose a different exercise that works for you". 

   Clients need to understand that these are serious issues that can cause massive pain, which decreases their chances of being able to keep healthy in the future. Please, think about your body and make sure it's the right workout for you.

Try-Fun is a small private gym for 1-on-1 training, small classes and yoga. We train in the gym or online. We guarantee you'll have fun getting healthy with Try-Fun!
Brad Slaughter (Co-Owner of Try-Fun) is the writer for this blog. He is Specializing in Social Marketing at Coursera.

Connect with Try-Fun on Twitter - @tryfunft

Connect with Brad Slaughter on Twitter - @bradslaughter89

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

You Don't Need A Trainer Do You?

You Don't Need A Trainer Do You?: Man Training Woman
Found on Ethno Gym
   With all of the free workout videos on YouTube and advise from virtual communities, you don't need a personal trainer! Unfortunately, that's wrong.

   There are a plethora of things in this world that you'd want to have an expert there to do. Today I had a plumber come in to fix my shower. Could I have bought the same machines that he used and tried to unclog the pipe? Sure, but that would take more money and time than it would for this plumber to come in and do it for me. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How to store and use Flax Seed

How to Store and Use Flax Seed

    Flax Seeds have many benefits if we ingest them properly. A few of these benefits include sources of Vit B-1, micro nutrients, the essential fatty acid Omega-3 (For all the vegetarians and vegans out there, this is a great way to get these fats to replace salmon), and dietary fiber.

    Flax is supposed to be ground and passes right through our system if it is still in its shell. A great way to eat the flax is to ground the shells (with a coffee grinder, blender, ect) and incorporate them in some Greek Yogurt or into a Protein Shake. It's preferable to use what you ground that day, but if kept in a tightly sealed container it can be stored in the freezer for a short amount of time before going rancid.

    Here's a link below to other ideas and talk on the subject. Have a happy and healthy day!

Flax Seed

Monday, July 18, 2016

How To Lift Correctly

How To Lift Correctly: Woman lifting weights
Found on Women's Health

     Whenever you are training, slow and controlled movements are more effective than fast movements. For example; when you are performing a bicep curl, by slowly lifting the weight your muscles are exerting it's maximum force for an extended amount of time, thereby increasing the strain on the muscle and affecting every part of that muscle. 

   When you lift quickly, you might be able to lift more weight, but you are not giving the muscle adequate time to strain. By lifting faster, you are increasing the time it takes for your muscles to grow and that might exasperate your motivation to keep working out. Work out SMARTER not HARDER.

Try-Fun is a small private gym for 1-on-1 training, small classes and yoga. We train in the gym or online. We guarantee you'll have fun getting healthy with Try-Fun!
Brad Slaughter (Co-Owner of Try-Fun) is the writer for this blog. He is Specializing in Social Marketing at Coursera.

Connect with Try-Fun on Twitter - @tryfunft

Connect with Brad Slaughter on Twitter - @bradslaughter89

Friday, May 27, 2016

Come say hi!

Come check out our website at if you're in the Sarasota area you can train with any of our amazing trainers. If you're anywhere else, we have an online division in the works. Go to our website and sign up for our mailing list which is on our home page. If you subscribe before June 10th, you'll receive a 25% discount on your first month of training!!

Did you stretch today?

Did You Stretch Today?

Studies show that stretching when you wake up in the morning increases circulation in the body, keeps you limber, reduces/eliminates aches and pains caused throughout the day, and gives you energy! Stretching every morning is a great habit to start for healthy living!