Tuesday, August 23, 2016

If Unhealthy People Knew These 3 Benefits of Exercise, They'd be Doing it Now!

If Unhealthy People Knew These 3 Benefits of Exercise, They'd be Doing it Now!
Found on Dreamstime
   You cannot fathom how many "get healthy" or "get fit" posts and articles there are out there, and most of them throw the book at you for not heeding their warnings for being unhealthy. In this post though, I'm going to show you what fit people get to enjoy that you're missing out on.

Healthy People Eat Less and Function Better Than Unhealthy People
Found on Wellness Connect
  • We Eat Less - A study from the American College of Sports Medicine concluded that people have less of an appetite when they exercise regularly. Instead of feeling like you're starving yourself by counting calories, exercise helps the healthy people curb their hunger.

Healthy People Have a Better Sex Life!
Found on Matchasecrets
  • Sex Is Better - An article published by Cedars-Sinai in Science Daily proved that sexual and erectile function is improved with exercise. Our partners are extremely happy in bed with us. Even though we cannot control our size, we don't have to worry about staying limp.

Healthy People Sleep Better and Are Not As Tired During The Day
Found on Mirror

  • More Quality Sleep - The National Sleep Foundation reported 35-40% of adults in the United States have problems with falling asleep or daytime drowsiness. Studies are showing that exercise is the best non-pharmaceutical way to have more energy, stay awake during the day and have more quality sleep at night. We don't need to spend extra money on doctors and Ambien to sleep at night.

   Everyone I know wants these things, and it's right in front of you. There are so many different ways to exercise, I am positive there's one you can find that's a tailored fit. We all want you to be healthier and happier, but we can't make you do it. If you want these 3 benefits, start exercising today.

Try-Fun is a small private gym for 1-on-1 training, small classes and yoga. We train in the gym or online. We guarantee you'll have fun getting healthy with Try-Fun!
Brad Slaughter (Co-Owner of Try-Fun) is the writer for this blog. He is Specializing in Social Marketing at Coursera.

Connect with Try-Fun on Twitter - @tryfunft

Connect with Brad Slaughter on Twitter - @bradslaughter89

1 comment:

  1. I recently switched from coffee to the mast, and I really liked it. It contains less caffeine than coffee, and I liked it. If you are interested in why I did so, read this article: www.naturalfoodrepublic.com/much-caffeine-matcha-green-tea/
