Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How to store and use Flax Seed

How to Store and Use Flax Seed

    Flax Seeds have many benefits if we ingest them properly. A few of these benefits include sources of Vit B-1, micro nutrients, the essential fatty acid Omega-3 (For all the vegetarians and vegans out there, this is a great way to get these fats to replace salmon), and dietary fiber.

    Flax is supposed to be ground and passes right through our system if it is still in its shell. A great way to eat the flax is to ground the shells (with a coffee grinder, blender, ect) and incorporate them in some Greek Yogurt or into a Protein Shake. It's preferable to use what you ground that day, but if kept in a tightly sealed container it can be stored in the freezer for a short amount of time before going rancid.

    Here's a link below to other ideas and talk on the subject. Have a happy and healthy day!

Flax Seed

Monday, July 18, 2016

How To Lift Correctly

How To Lift Correctly: Woman lifting weights
Found on Women's Health

     Whenever you are training, slow and controlled movements are more effective than fast movements. For example; when you are performing a bicep curl, by slowly lifting the weight your muscles are exerting it's maximum force for an extended amount of time, thereby increasing the strain on the muscle and affecting every part of that muscle. 

   When you lift quickly, you might be able to lift more weight, but you are not giving the muscle adequate time to strain. By lifting faster, you are increasing the time it takes for your muscles to grow and that might exasperate your motivation to keep working out. Work out SMARTER not HARDER.

Try-Fun is a small private gym for 1-on-1 training, small classes and yoga. We train in the gym or online. We guarantee you'll have fun getting healthy with Try-Fun!
Brad Slaughter (Co-Owner of Try-Fun) is the writer for this blog. He is Specializing in Social Marketing at Coursera.

Connect with Try-Fun on Twitter - @tryfunft

Connect with Brad Slaughter on Twitter - @bradslaughter89